Entanglement Distribution Networking

sonu kushwaha
2 min readJun 12, 2024


here will be looking out what can be used to

As we all know Quantum networking relies on entanglement distribution between distant nodes, which can be realized by swapping procedures. Hence for this reason, entanglement swapping is a demanding task in practice, mainly because of limited effectiveness of entangled photon sources and Bell-state measurements necessary to realize the process.

so here will be looking out the theory , on how this Entanglement Distribution is made possible.

Entanglement Swapping provides a method to distribute entangled Photon over distances beyond the fiber loss limit.

we have the three main components of complete entanglement swapping

  1. Quantum Source (QU-Source): Produces pairs of photons.

2. Quantum Swapping (QU-Swap): Interferes with photons to swap entanglement.

3. Quantum Memory (QU-Mem): Stores photons locally.

The QU-Source is the one which produces the pair of photons. one-one photon from each node A1 and node A2 is sent to the middling node ie Node B1 and other half of the photon is sent to the respective memory ie QU-Mem (locally stored).

Now at the middling node B1 when the photons received are interfered then we actually end up mapping the entanglement of the two remaining photons in the QU-Mem on the same state, so we have gained the Distance between the two outer nodes

so now on extending the above architecture we will now use QU-Swap for the photons from adjacent A nodes ie NodeA2 and Node A3 which will interfere the photons from the above nodes and makes the photons in entangled state ie the photons from the Node A1 and Node A4 gets entangled due to QU-Swap (Node B3).

So this is the basis how Entangled distribution Network would Work.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_oqkFO4f-A&pp=ygUQcXVhbnR1bSByZXBldGVycw%3D%3D

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_network#Quantum_repeaters



sonu kushwaha
sonu kushwaha

Written by sonu kushwaha

open source enthusiast Docker, kubernetes

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